Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Perfect Travel Pillow?

Seems like I'll be flying a lot in the upcoming months, and I got sick of my leaky travel pillow, time to get a new one.

This one
or this one

Kinda in the mood the venture out for something different like the Travel Rest, but I'm somewhat wary of it leaking in the future, as that's how my last one died, granted that the last one was from Daiso (Japanese dollar store). I think I'll give Travel Rest a shot just to try something different.

According to the review, there are many ways to configure this pillow. It doesn't work too well with international flights if you want to attach it to the seat, though you can wear it on yourself like a shoulder bag. This one review says "All in all, if you like the neck pillows then you probably don't need this. But, if you are a side sleeper, want a larger surface area, or like to hold on to something when sleeping, then you should definitely check this out." I'm a side sleeper and always hold a pillow when sleeping, so this sounds pretty convincing to me. I think it's a buy, what do you think?

Update: I ended up buying this, and so far so very good. I slept really well on my domestic flights, and I can see it working well on international flights as well. It worked well for me because I'm a side sleeper, I don't know how it would work with back or belly sleepers though. Maybe I'll test it out on my husband next time we fly together.

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