Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Perfect cookware??

It started with wanting to get some non-stick stir fry pans that can take a beating and won't die on me after a year or two. As it turns out, all Teflon cookware fade after 5 years no matter how expensive they are. So I started looking for good alternatives.
The first thing that came to mind are the ever-so-popular-in-Asia marble cookware. However, there's little health information about them. I did hear that they last longer than Teflon, which is good. The ones in the pictures below are sold here. Or something cheaper like this one.
I also heard about Mauviel, that makes beautiful copper cookware that heats evenly. The stainless steel lined ones do stick but they also supposedly make tin lined cookware that don't stick. However, tin supposedly might cause heavy metal poisoning, so even though tin being the original none-stick surface and is PTFE free, it's not necessarily safe.
Then there's Beka, a Belgian cookware manufacture, who makes nano-ceramic coating that's more resistant to high heat and more durable. But according to this article, it's questionable whether nano particles are more toxic or not.
Which brought me to the conclusion that maybe I should just buy a cast iron pan, season the heck out of it and call it a day. Supposedly once the patina develops, it's as stick resistant as a non-stick pan. How promising.
Then these that also require seasoning, which seems to get really great reviews as well. Although the seasoned look on these don't look particularly pleasant.

Man, so many choices yet none is perfect.

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